We Purchase Collections

We purchase mineral collections of all sizes. We look for top quality….we are only interested in acquiring high-quality mineral specimen collections. Classics…we are more interested in classic or historic specimens than contemporary materials. We have great sources of our own for minerals recently mined. Aesthetics… this means specimens with good overall form, color and above all, no, or very little, damage. Provenance… minerals with history of ownership are always more valuable to us and our customers.
We are Especially interested in any New York State minerals. These do not always need to apply to the guidelines noted above. We are interested in ANY NEW YORK STATE minerals in any quantity or form. New York State minerals are our bread and butter so come to us first with any new finds, field collected specimens or historic pieces. We are also interested in large collections of thumbnail sized specimens. These smaller specimens are often frowned upon by other dealers... not by us.
We are not interested in purchasing fossil, lapidary, or gemstone collections as these materials are are only a sideline for our business. In general, they are outside our area of expertise. Take a few moments to look around our website. If you are ready to sell and your collection contains mineral specimens of the quality of those pictured on our website, please email us!