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Grossular/ Clinopyroxene York River Skarn Zone, near Bancroft, Ontario, Canada. Collected by Michael Walter 1999. This site is closed to collecting (now a provincial park) but once produced some fabulous garnets, especially in the late 1990's for a brief time. They are nothing short of fantastic. Bright orange/ red garnets in combination with dark green clinopyroxene (likely diopside). The luster is the best you can find and they make superior specimens. The garnets are transparent and translucent with internal fractures and the diopsides are opaque. This is another fine TN piece measuring 3.2 x 2.5 x 2 cm that shows a fine tabular garnet sitting up in high relief. It is in excellent condition and has fine luster, color, and form. Mounted in a perky box. $95

Grossular and Diopside

SKU: GD-0299

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    Geologic Desire. Est. 1994, on-line, 1996

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