Field Collecting Projects
Treasure Mountain

2024 Update
During the summer months I spend much of my time field collecting crystalline mineral specimens. Living in northern New York State allows me to collect at many classic sites which still give up quality material, now and then. These regions of North America have some of the best collecting anywhere and are, generally speaking, still readily accessible to collectors. This site however has long been closed to collectors.
During 2002 and 2003, I focusing the majority of my time at Treasure Mountain. It is located within the city limits of the town of Little Falls. The site was a commercial dig on an escarpment overlooking the town and the Erie Canal. This site is similar to other Herkimer Diamond collecting locations in the region. Double terminated quartz crystals are found in pockets within the sedimentary dolostone. Calcite crystals and anthraxolite are common secondary materials within these vugs. The main difference between this site and "the others" is that scepters can be found at Treasure Mountain.
Above are a couple of photos of specimens from this important locality. Steel spring wedges and other heavy tools were required to work the pocket level successfully. It is a shame this site is no longer accessible to the public.
If you are looking for a fine example of quartz from this locality, or other regional mines, contact Mike by text at (315) 323-7218.