Acrylic Bases For Sale
We now blank acrylic bases in various sizes, shapes, and thicknesses. These bases allow collectors to mount their specimens in the most favorable position for viewing. Their crystal clear transparency permits light flow in multiple shelf display cabinets and is secure way of allowing your specimens to be viewed at their best.
They have beveled top edges, are flame polished, and made from top quality cast acrylic. All bases are individually wrapped in a plastic sleeve that prevents scratching. No paper or glues to remove from our products. E-mail us for shipping quotes. We usually use U.S.P.S. Priority Mail flat rate shipping, to save customer's cost and insure fast delivery. We can bring your bases to shows we attend and save shipping costs for large orders.
The following size bases are available for purchase:
One Inch Thick Beveled Bases
3" x 2" rectangle... $5.00 each
3" x 3" square... $6.00 each
4" x 3" rectangle... $7.00each
4" x 4" square... $7.50 each
5" x 4" rectangle... $8.00 each
3/8 Inch Thick Beveled Bases
1" x 1", package of 10 pieces, only... $25
1.5" x 1.5", package of 10 pieces, only... $35
